I am so excited to announce the launch of the Crafty Pants wellbeing craft kit in collaboration with Claire Clements from Positive Pants. Primarily the kit is ideal for children aged 6-10 years old and they may need a little assistance from a grown up or older sibling. Each kit gives access to a full video tutorial which will explain how to make each activity and an introduction from Positive Pants around the wellbeing.

Crafty Pants wellbeing craft pants lit for children

A new kit will be available each main school holiday and you are able to purchase one off boxes or subscribe for 3,6 or 12 boxes. I am thinking these will make great Christmas gift ideas from my grandparents or aunts and uncles. You can purchase the current kit here.

Inside view of the Crafty Pants summer holidays 2021 wellbeing craft kit for children.  Pictured are multiple wool strands to make friendship bracelets and postcards to send to friends/family

The current kit’s theme is friendship and the summer holidays/ return to school feelings that may come about. Wellbeing is an important part of our own and our children’s lives and being creative is a great wellbeing practice. When we are creative we release stress and tension and begin to feel happier and more able to communicate. Children are more willing to express their creativity without inhibitions.

Friendship bracelet activity

The main activity in the kit is making 5 simple friendship bracelets following the video tutorial. Children can stop and pause or rewind at any time allowing them to work at their own pace. Plus after making one they could take the kit on long car journeys. Or even whilst they are waiting for a sibling to finish an after school activity club.

Picture shows 5 completed coloured friendship bracelets from the Crafty Pants summer 2021 wellbeing craft kit. A full video tutorial accompanies the craft kit

Sending a postcard

The next activity in the Crafty Pants summer holiday kit is to make some postcards. Grandparents would love to receive a little message in the post with a hand drawn picture on the front.

Picture of holiday postcard hand drawn using the Crafty Pants craft kit simmer 2021

So if you would like to purchase the current Crafty Pants wellbeing craft kit then just the follow the link. Once you’ve purchased a kit you are added to our exclusive mailing list. This will get you first glimpses and access to the next holidays kit in advance.

Feel free to comment below with any questions you might have.